Guiding you through anxiety
into self-trust

Online OCD and anxiety therapy for teens and adults in Texas



Sol Curland sitting and working on her laptop
Laptop lying on a bed next to a glass of water in a bright room

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You believe that if people knew the real you, they’d reject you. So, you never allow yourself to get too close to anyone.

  • You believe that if you allow yourself to stop worrying, your fears will come true.

  • You believe that if you are not “perfect,” everything will fall apart.

  • You don’t trust yourself; you question your own judgment, choices, desires, memory, and perception.

  • You find that your mental state interferes with your ability to enjoy activities and be present with others.

  • You feel completely powerless over your actions, unable to stop performing time-consuming behaviors. Even small tasks or relaxing activities feel daunting.

  • You feel like something is deeply wrong, no matter what you’re doing.

  • You feel that you are unworthy of things working out for you.

Sol Curland writing in her planner
Close up of Sol adding a note to her planner

While your pain is profound, the potential to change your life lies well within your reach. 

Imagine a life no longer dominated by fear, where your time is devoted not to unwanted thoughts but to what matters most to you. 

You have the capacity to become the person you aspire to be—more present with loved ones, braver in your pursuits, and kinder to yourself.

You may have some doubts about therapy, and that’s understandable. But are you willing to try something new despite your reservations?




Sol Curland smiling with shiny brown hair

Hi, I’m Sol.

LPC-A | Supervised by Katherine Nelsen, LPC-S. 

I use a personalized, compassionate, and holistic approach to help you break free from anxiety and OCD. Together, we'll not only alleviate painful symptoms, but also create lasting change and personal growth.

I will provide encouragement and insight while challenging you to take active steps towards building a full and meaningful life. I will guide and support you, but the most difficult work will be yours.





Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I treat all OCD themes, including:

  • relationship

  • contamination

  • just right

  • harm

  • scrupulosity

  • pedophilia

  • real event

  • existential

  • sexual orientation

  • sensorimotor

Anxiety Types

I treat the following anxiety themes:

  • relationship anxiety

  • generalized anxiety

  • social anxiety

  • phobias

  • health anxiety

  • agoraphobia

  • panic disorder